Write me a schedule

I was complaining about some changes at work. Let’s say that they were getting very detail oriented in time management. I had to start giving an account of how all of my time being used. As I went on about the frustration of it all, he responded, “Why don’t you just have ChatGPT write you a schedule?” Desperate and frustrated, I navigated to the site and gave it a try.

Write me a schedule that…

I went the site and asked for a schedule, minute by minute based on my role. It wasn’t perfect, but it was starting point. And then I asked it to revise to only include 9 to 5. And then I asked it to revise to include professional development time. I had no intention of copying and pasting that schedule to hand over and placate my manager. It all needs to tweaked, if nothing else than because ChatGPT doesn’t understand the concept of commute times. All I wanted was some ideas, and that is what I got.

I continue to be one of those people who is suspicious of AI. But as AI assistance continues to stick around, and as I continue to listen to experts and experience the technology, I’m starting to evolve how I view it. I’m not viewing all of the technologies with the same broad strokes.

I still have the ethical dilemmas tied in to how I view AI, along with apprehension from having watched way too many sci-fi movies. However, I’m seeing there are ways to use AI, similar to a calculator, as a tool to expand the scope of we as humans are capable of. If we are able to generate ideas faster and innovate at a faster pace, even it is just planning out our days differently.

But of course, that could just be the machines luring me in with a sense of complacency before they take over.

What are your thoughts?

Have you used any AI chatbots to get answers yourself?

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